Status Explanations

Under the "Invoices" tab, customers will be separated by status. When you click on a client's name, you can view additional details about their invoice status.

Outstanding - a payment request was created and has a due date in the future. A viewed invoiced will not have a separate status

Processing - payment was initiated by the customer but is processing through the bank

Overdue - the payment request's due date has passed without payment

Paid - a payment request was paid by the customer

Website Version

Under your "Invoices" tab, you can check in on requests, send reminders or mark manually paid. You can organize leads alphabetically by client name or by recent activity.

By clicking on a specific person, you can also view the history for their requests. This includes when the request was sent, if customer viewed the invoice, reminders sent and when it is paid. You can also manually send a reminder if needed. If you need to cancel a request or manually mark it paid, they can do so here as well.

Mobile App Version

Under your "Clients" tab, you can filter to just Payments customers. Here you can check in on requests, send reminders or mark manually paid. You can organize leads alphabetically by client name or by recent activity.

By clicking on a specific person, you can also view the history for their requests. This includes when the request was sent, if customer viewed the invoice, reminders sent and when it is paid. You can also manually send a reminder if needed. If you need to cancel a request or manually mark it paid, they can do so here as well.