Frequently Asked Questions

I am getting a “HelloSign” error when sending a Contract

How to Send a Contract

  1. From your main dashboard, click on "Send New” in the top right corner. Select “Send contract” from the drop down menu.

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  2. Enter the customer's name, phone number and email or choose "+Existing client" if they have already entered their information before (from a financing or payment request) A personalized message can also be added here.

  3. Under contract details a job description can be added. Select a due date for the contract signature and attach any files or additional provisions if needed.

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  1. Payment details can be added and optionally can trigger a payment request upon signature (for a deposit for example)

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  1. Choose to send via text, email or both then click "Preview"

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  2. The preview will show the full contract. They can download as a PDF or go back to edit information. If everything is okay, click "Sign and send Contract" ******